domingo, 26 de julio de 2020

Blog session 7:My favorite food

Honestly there are not many things I like to eat. Generally, the things that I like are not too elaborate such as a corn or pea salad. But thinking about it, there is a more elaborate preparation that I can name as my favorite food, although it is not something that I eat often, I love them. I am talking about humitas. I don't remember when I ate them the first time, but it was probably at my grandfather's house because his wife cooks very well and prepares them often.
Although I like them, I have never made them because it requires a lot of time and I hate cooking. I also remember that my mom prepared them once, but the humitas were not very good because she does not like to cook either and so she did not put much effort to make them good. Besides, the kitchen was a mess.
The humita has the shape of a package. This form is achieved using the corn leaves and tying them well so that the filled does not spill. The main ingredients are: ground corn, chopped onion, vegetable oil, basil, salt and some spices. Although people prepare it with different ingredients, I prefer the ones that are simpler and that do not contain butter.

domingo, 19 de julio de 2020

Blog Session 6:Option 1

A website that I enjoy visiting is Windy. I visit it approximately every week, to see the weather where I live and to discover new things. This website can be visited from the computer or from the phone. You can download the app or enter directly without doing any installation. I prefer to use the website because it is faster than downloading.
On this website you can see the weather forecast, but there is also the option to see the animated image of the meteorological phenomenon. You can activate different types of layers depending on what you want to see. For example, if you need to know the wind speed, you can activate the layer that says wind, as well as there are layers of rain, thunder, clouds, waves, dew point, new snow and even air quality. There is also the possibility to see the coordinates of any place.
The reason why I like this website is because it shows things in a didactic way and is easy to use. The first time I had to use it was for the subject of climatology and I really liked it because I can get a lot of information from different places in the world without much effort.

Here is the link:

Blog Session 5:A photograph i like

My favorite photo is one of Quero when he was a baby. Quero(the Brazilian way of calling this bird)is a Queltehue and our family's pet.My neighbor found him alone after her dogs made Quero's mother flee the place and never return. She gave Quero to my mom so that she could take care of him(we assume it's a male, but we don't really know).

The first days he didn't want to eat, we thought he was going to die. But he survived. He started to eat all the things we gave him, he ate all kinds of insects. It was very crazy because every time he shouted for us to feed him. At first we had him in a cage because we were afraid that the dogs would catch him. Then when he grew up and we were sure that the dogs weren't going to do anything to him, we set him free. Quero flies high but always comes back. He has a lot of trust with us, he lets us touch him.
My mom took this photo of him to keep as a memory when he grows up. I don't remember the date exactly but it seems that it was in 2018.
The reason why I like this photo is because it brings back so many beautiful memories. He was too small and innocent.I can't believe he could have survived without a mother, especially because the Queltehues are wild birds.

                                                      My second favorite photograph 💘

Blog session 4:My favorite movie

There are many movies that I like, but I've decided that my favorite is one that I had to watch a few weeks ago to do a homework for a specialization elective. The name of the movie is In Time. This is an American science fiction action and suspense film from 2011 which is set in 2161 where people do not age after they have turned twenty-five, but if they do not get time after a year, they die instantly. Time can be earned by working as if it were money. Each person has a clock in their arm and each time someone gains time, the clock has more hours, minutes or seconds. The richest people can have a century on their clock, but poor people have only minutes and a few hours.
Will Salas is a young factory worker who is accused of murder after the police found a rich man named Henry Hamilton dead. Will was not guilty; Hamilton gave him his time before committing suicide. Will goes to the richest place in the city where he meets a businessman called Philippe Weis and his daughter Sylvia. Will and Sylvia try to end the system that makes poor people die young.
The movie was directed by Andrew Niccol and the actors are Justin Timberlake as Will Salas, Amanda Seyfried as Sylvia Weis, Matt Bomer as Henry Hamilton, Vincent Kartheiser as Philippe Weis, among others.

I like this movie because it has a striking aesthetic, a good plot and because it makes us think about how we spend our time.