domingo, 26 de julio de 2020

Blog session 7:My favorite food

Honestly there are not many things I like to eat. Generally, the things that I like are not too elaborate such as a corn or pea salad. But thinking about it, there is a more elaborate preparation that I can name as my favorite food, although it is not something that I eat often, I love them. I am talking about humitas. I don't remember when I ate them the first time, but it was probably at my grandfather's house because his wife cooks very well and prepares them often.
Although I like them, I have never made them because it requires a lot of time and I hate cooking. I also remember that my mom prepared them once, but the humitas were not very good because she does not like to cook either and so she did not put much effort to make them good. Besides, the kitchen was a mess.
The humita has the shape of a package. This form is achieved using the corn leaves and tying them well so that the filled does not spill. The main ingredients are: ground corn, chopped onion, vegetable oil, basil, salt and some spices. Although people prepare it with different ingredients, I prefer the ones that are simpler and that do not contain butter.

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