miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2020

 Post 1:A country that i would like to visit.

                                                       I 💖Greece

One country that I would like to visit is Greece because it has many beautiful and interesting things to observe and photograph. Although, I do not know in depth the culture of this country, I know that it has an impressive amount of historical places, which has also been the cradle of Western civilization so it has left a huge legacy to new generations and of course, I also know about its paradisiacal islands and mythology.

If I ever go to Greece I would like to visit the Acropolis Museum, where there are very old but well preserved archaeological remains. Also, I would like to visit the temples related to the Greek gods and go to the beach of Mykonos or any of the islands of the Aegean Sea.

Although I would love to study or work there, I do not speak the language, so it would be very difficult to communicate with other people, but if in the future I manage to learn Greek, there would be no problem (if I had money to go) with studying, working or even going to live there.

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